

Nikki Ciavarella: Trombone

Adam Susko: Trumpet

Jessica Colucci: Trumpet

Q. When did you start playing your instrument?

A. Nikki: I play the trombone, which I started playing in the fifth grade. I picked the trombone because it has a slide.

Adam: I started playing the trumpet in the fifth grade. I decided to play the trumpet because it plays an important part in the marching band.

Jessica: I began playing trumpet when I joined the fifth grade band because my older sister plays it and I knew it would be fun.

Q. Best memory of being in band/marching band?

A. Nikki: My best memory of marching band is my freshman year when we danced to “All of the Lights.” It was so much fun to dance to that song and play our instruments.

Adam: My favorite memory of marching band is marching in the Main Street Parade, USA at Walt Disney World on New Year’s Eve two years ago. It was a terrific experience.

Jessica: I will always remember playing at the band shows and performing for a ton of people at those shows and during the football games.

Q. Why is music important to you?

A. Nikki: Music is important to me because it gives you lifetime friends and memories. My favorite piece that we played was “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Adam: Music is important because it helps you to learn to work with others and you making lasting friends. My favorite musical numbers are “All of the Lights,” which we played in my freshman year, and the 2013 pop medley from my sophomore year.

Jessica: I think music is important because playing it and listening to it has always been something I have enjoyed.

Q. If you were speaking to a group of fifth-grade students who were thinking of joining the band, what would you tell them is the number 1 reason for joining the band?

A. Nikki: Making friends! It’s a good time and a fun experience.

Adam: You will meet a lot of interesting people and you will make some great friends. You become one big family!

Jessica: I have met so many people and made so great memories from band. It was the best part of high school and I would recommend it to anyone.

Q. What college do you hope to attend/intended major?

A. Nikki: I plan to attend YSU and major in English.

Adam: I would like to attend Cleveland State and possibly major in Accounting.

Jessica: I would like to attend YSU and major in Business and Marketing.