Stadium Drive students ask grandparents to special prom


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.Students got to bring their grandparents to a prom hosted at Stadium Drive Elementary School on May 7. Pictured are Brenda (left) and Robert (right) Williams.


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.Snacks and party favors were provided by the PTO and various other volunteers for the prom for seniors and their grandchildren on May 7.


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.On May 7, grandparents and their grandchildren dressed up and stood in line for a prom-like event at Stadium Drive Elementary School.


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.Trudy McCabe (left) accompanied McKenna Bergman (right) as her senior date on May 7 to the prom.


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.Logan Malysa (left), Dorothy Gearhart (middle) and Susan Malysa (right) came to a prom for seniors and their grandchildren at Stadium Drive Elementary School on May 7.

By amanda tonoli

Stadium Drive Elementary School welcomed grandparents and their grandchildren to a prom for seniors on May 7. During this event students had snacks, crafts, photo opportunities, dancing and more to share with their dates. Those coming to this “senior” prom lined up at the door, anxious to have their pictures taken and enter into a fun evening with one another.

Principal Jim Goske said this long-standing tradition has been around for years.

“It was going on before I got here and this is my tenth year,” Goske said. “It’s just to give our grandparents a fun evening with their grandchildren.”

Goske said everyone who attends this event generally enjoys it.

“It’s something a little semi-formal, so the kids get to get all dressed up,” Goske said. ”It makes for nice memories with the grandparents.”

Many students said their favorite part of this prom night was dancing, however some found more enjoyment out of asking their dates to this event.

John Cagnina, a student and prom date to Joan Susor, asked his date to her first prom in a very special way.

Joan Susor, Cagnina’s grandmother, said she had no idea when the poster arrived what was in store for her. Cagnina had a poster delivered to his grandmother’s work, with a picture of him dressed up and a special message written at the bottom.

“It was him sitting all dressed up, real casual,” Susor said. “He put the poster up as you come in the door and [I] said, ‘Gee, that looks just like my grandson,’ and I looked down and it said, ‘Grandma, will you go to the prom with me?’”

Goske said the best part about the entire event is watching everyone enjoy themselves and be appreciative of this quality time,

“This is one of my favorite events we do, you know, just to see the appreciation they have and it’s something they really enjoy,” Goske said.