God is the restorer of dreams

It is easy to be discouraged with the battles in this life. Uncertainty and doubt can fill you with fear, especially when there seems to be no way out of your pain.

However, it has been said that the devil can wall us in but he cannot roof us over.

We can always get out at the top.

Jesus told us that we would have many troubles here on earth. He knew the times and what was to come.

However, Jesus also wanted us to know that despite our problems, we can stand firm knowing that he has overcome the world.

He is the hope of all things impossible. He is the restorer of dreams and the power to overcome.

There is nothing that can crush a true believer because all the force of heaven lives in the heart of those who belong to Christ.

A royal army stands ready to fight for you.

Jesus is the strength to overcome all that comes against you, so it is sad to watch as people turn instead to substance abuse to silence their pain.

Many good people have sold out their future to alcohol or drugs.

They become bonded to the poison that is destroying their lives and that of their families.

It can happen to anyone.

Some of the nicest people are secretly coping with an addiction. They feel lost and out of control because they are trying to carry this burden on their own.

That will never bring victory because Jesus never meant for anyone to fight their battles alone.

Psalm 46:1 reads, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

1 Corinthians 10:13 states that, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

The truth in this verse is that we are all weak in our flesh but we have hope through Christ.

He will provide the way out so that you cannot be destroyed by your struggle.

He always is the strength you need to overcome.

We are told in Scripture that God’s power is manifested through our weakness.

We have been made victors over all of our battles when our trust is in Christ.

He is the only power you need to conquer all that comes against you.

He will not fail to take you through your pain and bring peace in your life.

Nothing is impossible through the one who paid the price to give you an abundant life even through the storm.

Isaiah 26:3 reads, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trust in you.” Your weakness cannot stop your future.

There is no impossible situation that can stop his purpose for your life.

Jesus gives you victory over all of the obstacles that stand in your way.

He has given you life, and he will take you to the end of your life according to his perfect plan.

No matter what troubles or addictions that you face in this life, remember that Jesus has indeed overcome the world and all of its struggles.

Put your complete trust in him.

By surrendering your weakness to the power of Christ, you have all the power you need to be victorious.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Marianne Bernard attends Old North Church in Canfield.