Gun groups want some concealed-carry restrictions lifted

By Marc Kovac


Gun groups urged lawmakers to lift prohibitions in state law from carrying concealed firearms on college campuses, into churches and at other locations.

They told members of the Ohio House’s State Government Committee on Wednesday that such areas can become targets for criminals, knowing that law-abiding citizens won’t be armed.

Mike Newbern, a recent Ohio State graduate and founder of Buckeyes for Concealed Carry, said college campuses “present environments rich for potential victims.”

Since the enactment of the state’s concealed-carry law, “... Crime across the state is down while college campuses and the areas that surround them operate in a microcosm where criminals retain the upper hand against otherwise law-abiding citizens,” Newbern said.

He and others offered proponent testimony on House Bill 48, which, among other provisions, would allow carrying concealed firearms into churches, day-care centers, private aircraft, college campuses and government buildings.

Those locations still could choose to block concealed firearms on their premises and post signs on their entrances to that effect.

Louis Williams Jr., a Cincinnati man, told lawmakers current state law is confusing. Residents, he said, have grown used to seeing signs at businesses and other locations that choose not to allow concealed firearms on their premises, but houses of worship and other areas must post signs allowing concealed carry if they so choose.

“We believe the sign requirements should be similar for all restricted areas. [Concealed-carry permit] holders attending church should know without giving away their status whether or not they can bring their firearms with them,” he said

Sean Maloney, representing the Buckeye Firearms Association, cited school shootings and other incidents nationally, among reasons for the proposed law changes. Perpetrators, he said, plan such crimes in advance to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

“By allowing a potential victim to defend their own life in more places, it makes law-abiding citizens safer, deters would-be mass murderers and protects the public in general,” Maloney said.