Canfield council approves Windsor House, Red Gate projects and raises


Two much discussed projects have been unanimously approved by city council.

The first enables the city to enter into a joint economic development district (JEDD) with Canfield Township for a proposed Windsor House facility. That vote took place Wednesday night after the city conducted a public hearing on the matter to get feedback from city residents. Only one resident spoke at the short hearing: Frank Micchia, who attends most council meetings.

When the matter was first discussed early last year, Micchia contended it should be solely a city project.

“I was wrong. I fully support it. It has some benefits for the city and” township, he said Wednesday night. “It can open up a new avenue of communications between the township and city.”

The township’s public hearing on the matter is set for next week.

The second unanimous vote enables the city to restructure a debt for the Red Gate Farm property, while lowering interest and the yearly payment.

Council also unanimously approved a $10.2 million budget with raises.

Read more about the votes in Thursday's Vindicator or on