Participants have paper art party at library


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.Families came to the Boardman library on May 18 to make paper bead crafts. Pictured, from left, are Kenny, Jacky and Logan Treharne.


Neighbors | Amanda Tonoli.Selina Phillips, librarian, showed the Paper Art class at the Boardman library how to make paper beads, a pastime of hers while working behind the desk.

By amanda tonoli

Paper Art was hosted at the Boardman library on May 18. Those in fourth grade all the way through twelfth were welcomed, accepting parents as well.

Librarian Selina Phillips taught this class, one of the many children’s classes she takes part in at the library. The craft was primarily making beads out of paper and crafts with those beads. It was very open to different design ideas, ranging from elaborate necklaces to simplistic lanyards.

Candice Kraykovich, one of the students in the class, said she saw this event in the newspaper and just had to come – she also said she loves being at the library and doing crafts.

Kraykovich brought her mother to the class who said Candice made her many crafty gifts in doing things like this.

Candice said she learned most of these skills through the internet – namely Pinterest and YouTube,

Phillips, like many of the librarians teaching similar classes, also learned this skill from Pinterest.

“I’m always looking for new program ideas and I like to save my ideas on Pinterest,” Phillips said. “They had all sorts of different ways you could make beads. ...There are lots of sites they get really serious about them.”

Phillips said she tried to incorporate video into the demonstration part of the class but had difficulty.

“I actually tried to find a YouTube video of someone making paper beads to show but they’re either too long or there is just too much side talk,” Phillips said.

Instead, she used experience in combination with Pinterest. Phillips said she made these paper bead projects a lot while working at the reference desk – which provided her the practice she needed.