Girard Oldtimers will gather for a luncheon and meeting at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday at Lamancusa Restaurant on Trumbull Road in Girard. The club meets the third Tuesday of the month.

Public Employees Retirees Inc., Mahoning County 18, will meet at noon Aug. 4 for the annual picnic luncheon at The Georgetown, 5945 South Ave., Boardman. The guest speaker will be Kerry Yoder, who will review Medicare information. The buffet menu will consist of Georgetown chicken, hot dogs, hamburger sliders, baked beans, potato salad, watermelon, coffee, tea or iced tea, and white cake with strawberry filling. A money raffle will include two free Georgetown Grab & Go certificates. The cost is $12 for members, associate members and guests and is payable at the door. Make reservations by calling Arlene DeChellis at 330-726-8019, Phyllis Miglarese at 330-755-5640, Helen Verdream at 330-629-8227 or Mary Grace Welsh at 330-743-8425. The deadline for reservations and cancellations is Saturday. None will be accepted after that date.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.