Advice to next president of US: Please just listen

Advice to next president of US: Please just listen

What would you want the president to accomplish in the first 100 days of office? After some thought, I knew what I would like our new president to accomplish in the first 100 days: Listen!

Just listen. Listen to the concerns of our own citizens, their fears, their uncertainties, their needs and their hopes. And then engage them to find the proper solutions. Solutions based not on fear, but on justice, on reason, on values and our security.

Then listen to our adversaries. Yes, listen to them. Ask them why they “hate” America. Why do they hate America so much that they choose to blow themselves up in order to kill and maim innocent people? Ask that while keeping in mind that these “evil” people also have families – loved ones that they love and care about and are willing to die for.

It is only when we truly listen and find the causes of these problems, and collectively try to find reasonable and just solutions that we will have a peaceful world. It is only by finding the causes of these problems and collectively, with those who are part of the problem, those who disagree with us, that we can change the image of America, from that of a military power, to that of a just, generous, and caring power.

Not just a land of economic opportunities, but a land of peace, where people have the opportunity to grow economically, intellectually, morally, spiritually, and politically as one nation, made not of “ethnic” Americans, but simply of Americans.

So, Mr./Madame President, in your first 100 days, please listen. Just listen, not to the lobbyist, the economists, the military establishment, or even to some legislatures. Simply listen to the people whose lives and future are at stake. May God guide our president and may God bless America.

Rashid Abdu, M.D., Canfield

Good tidings from mess at St. Vincent dining hall

Maybe, just maybe, it was God’s plan all along to have the St. Vincent de Paul dining-hall situation occur.

Now Youngstown will have two places for those in need to find a place to eat.

Merry Christmas, indeed!

Jim Wittenauer, Poland

A new year’s wish list

Here are some much sought-for resolutions that our government should consider honoring in the coming new year.

For our veterans, America’s true heroes, the greatest respect, the best of care, comfort, and security for as long as they live for their service and sacrifice they made for our country.

For our government, the “blame and shame on you” award for lack of concern, shabby and shameful treatment of senior citizens and others on Social Security. The people who earned their Social Security sadly must come to use their limited income for their medication or food after being denied an increase in money even as the cost of living continues to rise. The golden years that senior citizens looked forward to enjoying are becoming tarnished.

For all Americans, their right to good health care whether they can afford to pay for it or not. People should never be treated or judged by their wealth, but always for their humanity.

Those who risk their lives protecting the lives of others in the military or on the police force, they deserve respect, protection and public support. When mistakes are made, wrongs should be wisely and fairly dealt with.

It’s been said every new year gives birth to new beginning. Hopefully with the power to rule our country, those given the power will have vision, wisdom, and common sense.

Mary Lou Jurina, Youngstown