1418 Auxiliary Seniors will meet at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Nicholas Church, Fifth Street, Struthers, in the Great Hall. John Texter will preside. Cancellations are to be made today with Sandy Redeske at 330-755-5192. Birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged, and cards and bingo will be played. Refreshments will be served. Illnesses or deaths should be reported to Pat Bozichovich at 330-755-7552. For information call Texter at 330-755-6936.

Austintown AARP 4339 will not have a regular meeting Tuesday. The board will have a planning meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Austintown Senior Center on Westchester Drive. Regular meetings will resume Sept. 8. Nonmembers and guests are welcome. Volunteers are needed to serve at the Rescue Mission on Monday. Call 330-792-7459 to sign up. Report illnesses and deaths to 330-799-1219.

Happy Wanderers will meet Aug. 21 in the Fellowship Hall. The social hour begins at 11 a.m. Greeters will be Bev Creed, Nancy Silvashy and Bill and Alice Jugenheimer, and hostesses will be Georgia Bosley, Rose Ashman, Lois Singer and Gerda Mitrovich. Those whose last names begin with A through L are asked to take snacks and all should take a sack lunch. For information call 330-534-2759. New members are welcome. Final payments for the Roscoe Village and Canal Boat Ride Tour on Sept. 9 are now past due. Reservations are still available. The Oglebay Park Festival of Lights with dinner at the Wilson Lodge has been rescheduled to Dec. 8. Make reservations now. Transportation, admissions to the Glass Museum and Winter Fantasy at the zoo, a guided tour, dinner and the driver’s tip are included in the cost. Call 330-534-5073 for reservations.

J.C. Penney Retirees will have their monthly luncheon at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Denny’s on Route 224.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seniors will meet Wednesday after the noon Mass for the annual picnic. For information call John Mascardine at 330-534-5722.

PERI, Public Employee Retirees District 11, will have a monthly meeting at 11:15 a.m. Aug. 19 at DiLucia’s Restaurant, 2610 Elm Road NE, Warren. President Terry Nicopolis and Legislative Coordinator Gary Machin will report on the OPERS seminar they attended with One Exchange. Reservations must be made by Aug. 16. Call 330-372-2603, 330-469-6753 or 330-898-3625.

Saxon Club Retirees will meet at noon Thursday at the Youngstown Saxon Club, 710 S. Meridian Road. The menu will include ham and scalloped potatoes. Reservations are required. Call Gertrude Galich at 330-792-3332 or Tillie Stanfanick at 330-792-3120.

Sears Friendship Club will meet at noon Monday at Antone’s in Boardman.

S.O.A.R. Chapter 1-28-10, retirees of Local 2243 U.S.W.A. Copperweld Steel Co., will have its annual picnic at 1 p.m. Aug. 20 at the Moose Hall in Warren. Take a covered dish. Beverages and meats will be provided.

St. Anthony of Padua Senior Club will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Faini Hall. Lunch will be served at noon. The luncheon committee members are Tina Rothwell and Mike Sovik.

UFCW Local 880 Retirees Club will gather for its annual picnic at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Boardman Park. Membership is open to all UFCW Local 880 Retirees. For information call Karen Zappia 330-502-2103.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.