Kent Trumbull Theatre Summer Stock 2015 season, auditions for three summer shows will be from 6 to 9 p.m. April 23 and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 25. Meet in the lobby of Kent Trumbull Theatre, 4314 Mahoning Ave. NW, Warren. “The Princess King,” written by Jeff Fluharty and directed by Patricia M. Fagan, will take place in the Commons area in June and is appropriate for children age 10 and older. The second show will be the children’s theater tour of “Rumpelstiltskin,” written by Fagan and directed by Jenny Blazek; roles are available for children age 8 to 17, and the show will be performed in July. The last, “Shrek the Musical,” is by musical director Matt White, with music by Jeanine Tesori ,and will be directed by Renee Johntony. It is appropriate for age 12 and older; it also will be performed in July. Kent Trumbull also will offer a Youth Theater Workshop for children 8 to 15 years old. There is a participation fee for Summer Stock classes and productions, but some scholarships are available. Singers who audition for “Shrek the Musical” should prepare a song. Otherwise, actors should be prepared to read from the scripts. For information, call 330-675-8887.
“Sweet Charity,SDRq directed by Kandace Cleland and Jodine Pilmer, Stage Left Players, 234 E. Lincoln Way, Lisbon, auditions at 10 a.m. April 25 and at 5 p.m. April 26. Performances will be June 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 and 28. The directors are seeking a cast of 20 to 30 mature teens and adults to play the various characters who tell the story of the ever-hopeful Charity Hope Valentine who is always falling in love with “Mr. Wrong.” Auditionees should come prepared to sing a short musical selection and provide sheet music for the accompanist. Additionally, they should dress comfortably to learn a simple dance combination and read from the script. For more information, visit, or email
“2REAL4U Drama Christian Show.” This is a general casting call for all ages and ethnicities. Interested parties should call 800-352-6449, ext. 707.
Youngstown Connection, auditions at Christ Church Presbyterian, 1933 Youngstown Canfield Road, 4:30 p.m. today and April 21 for high-school singers and dancers. Auditions will last an hour and a half. Six openings will be filled: two sopranos, two altos, one tenor and one bass. To be selected, auditionees must be able to sing on pitch with a pleasant voice, an expressive face and have dancing potential. Additionally, they must have a great attitude, be responsible and maintain good grades. Auditonees should come prepared to sing “Happy Birthday” with no runs and a short song of their choice that showcases vocal range. A short dance routine will be taught to determine the ability to move in rhythm. For more information, call the director, Dr. Carol Baird, at 330-549-2906.