Evil will never defeat America

Evil will never defeat America

The excellent coverage of the 9/11 tragedy should serve as an unforgettable reminder of the destruction that can be caused by those with evil intent.

The thousands of innocent lives that were lost by this insane hatred must make all Americans alert and vigilant.

While I believe we are all created by God and we are all His children, I also believe there are those who have yet to learn that our God-given brain is to be used to think and reason with. Our God-given heart is to beat with life, love and feeling, and our God-given soul is our bank to store all things good and used when needed. While perfection is God alone, these will help to bring us closer to Him.

Those who hate us and want us destroyed would be wise to know the life Americans continue to enjoy today was paid for by the blood and lives of others and is never forgotten. Americans come in all sizes, but their pride and fighting spirit is the same.

Our tragedies fuel us with added strength and determination. We are survivors and with God’s love and help we will continue to journey on.

I’ve heard it once said, “All things we love most are given birth in our brain, they are touched by our heart, and forever sealed in our soul.”

American freedom will never die, and no amount of evil and hatred will ever be strong enough to destroy it.

Marylou Jurina, Youngstown