1418 Auxiliary Seniors will meet at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Nicholas Church, Fifth Street, Struthers, in the Great Hall. John Texter will preside. Cancellations are to be made today with Sandy Redeske at 330-755-5192. Birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged, and cards and bingo will be played. Illnesses or deaths should be reported to Pat Bozichovich at 330-755-7552. For information call Texter at 330-755-6936.

AARP 4339, celebrating its 25th anniversary, will meet Tuesday at the Austintown Senior Center, 112 Westchester Drive. The board will meet at noon and the regular meeting will follow at 1 p.m. Tickets for the Christmas Party set for Dec. 9 at The Manor Restaurant on Route 46 and Kirk Road will be sold for $15 each. Blood pressure screenings will be done by a Salem Visiting Nurse. There also will be a basket auction. Take gifts. Refreshments will be served.

AARP 4611 East will meet Wednesday at St. Augustine Episcopal Church, 614 Parmalee Ave. The executive board will meet at 11 a.m. and the meeting will follow at noon with speaker Melissa Ames, vice president of Better Business Bureau. Plans will be discussed for the Thanksgiving luncheon. Take school supplies. To report illnesses or deaths call Evelyn Jenkins at 330-530-2734. Guests and new members are welcome. The group also will attend Antioch Baptist Church, 110 Funston St., for its 10:30 a.m. service Oct. 26, and a day of service will be observed at 11 a.m. Oct. 30 at McGuffey Center, 1649 Jacobs Road.

Coitsville Seniors will meet at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at Bedford Trails Golf Course Restaurant in Coitsville. Members will choose their meal from the menu. Jane Orlo will preside, and devotions will be given by Blanche Sylvester. Veterans will be honored, and plans will be discussed for the annual Christmas party, which will be at 12:30 p.m. Dec. 1. November birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged. A 50-50 raffle will take place followed by card bingo. New members are welcome. For information call Mary Jane Guidos at 330-536-8320.

Happy Wanderers will meet Friday at the Corner House Christian Church (arrive before noon). Each one is to take a sack lunch. Those whose names begin with O through Z are asked to take snacks. Serving as hospitality will be Wilma Quinn, Mary Ellen Wohlgamuth, Bob Cassidy and three more are needed. Call 330-534-3833 if you will help out. Greeters will be Jim and Ethelene Williams, Lois Singer and Bernie Randall. Carol DelFlore, interpreter for the hearing impaired, will provide her “signing with song ministry” to the group. Reservations are now being accepted for the holiday dinner to take place at the Brentford House, Myron St., Hubbard, at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 21. The cost is $16 per person. No reservations will be accepted after Nov. 13. The S.L.I.M. Brothers will provide a selection of music. The Festival of Trees — Warthers Museum and J.E. Reeves Mansion on Nov. 18 is still in need of participants. All tours include one meal and the driver’s tip. More information and tour brochures are available by calling 330-534-2759.

Liberty 55 Plus Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at First Christian Assembly Church, Cardinal Drive. Kay Herberger will preside and hostesses will be Pat Vlock and Margaret Wilster. Grocery bingo will be played and October birthdays will be acknowledged.

Local 2243 USWA Copperweld Steel Co. Retirees, S.O.A.R. Chapter 1-28-10, will have its regular monthly meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Local 1375 Union Hall at 684 N. Park Ave. in Warren. The speaker will be Ginny Pasha, director of United Way of Trumbull. Refreshments will be served. Take old pill bottles to turn in.

Sears Friendship Club will meet at noon Monday at Antone’s in Boardman.

St. Anthony Senior Club will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Faini Hall. Lunch will be served at noon by the luncheon committee, Tony Valley and Company.

St. Brendan 60-Plus Club Seniors will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday for its monthly meeting at Maxwell Hall. Ann Smith will preside and reports will be given by Dorothy Procick and Dorothy LoSasso. Illnesses and deaths should be reported to Theresa Vivacqua at 330-793-2792. Cards will follow, and new members are welcome.

St. Charles Over-55 Club will meet at noon Tuesday in Father Haidet Hall. Dues of $7 will be collected, and refreshments and a social will include cards and bingo. New members are welcome. For information call Carolyn Valensi, president, at 330-726-2375.

St. Christine Seniors will not meet this month. The October meeting has been canceled.

UFCW Local 880 Retirees will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Davidson’s Restaurant, 3636 Canfield Road, Cornersburg. Membership is open to all UFCW Local 880 Retirees. For information call 330-502-2103.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.