Surprise event celebrates 50th for the Suttons

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton
Robert and Ruthann Sutton of Austintown celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a surprise golden anniversary renewal of vows followed by a reception at the Elm Tree in Struthers.
The couple have four children, Ruthann (Christopher) Colello of Georgetown, Ky.; Lynn (Sherry Dunn) Sutton of McDonald; Christine (Gennaro) Russo of Austintown; and Kimber (Rob) Cronin of Canfield.
They also have six grandchildren.
Hosting the celebration were their family, the Colellos, including Alexa; Amber (David) Lesicko; Lynn Sutton and Dunn; the Russos, including Robbie and Lorenzo; and the Cronins, including Anthony and Amber.
Mr. Sutton and the former Ruthann Desmond were married Nov. 14, 1964, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, where they are members and Mass greeters and he is an altar server.
Mrs. Sutton retired in 1999 from Packard Electric in Warren, where she was an inspector.
Mr. Sutton is an international union staff representative for IUE-CWA in Dayton.
He is a member of Austintown Democrats and Masons Allen Lodge 0276.