Economuses mark 50th with dinner, vacation


Mr. and Mrs. George Economus


George and Adele Economus of Boardman marked their 50th anniversary with a dinner party and family vacation in Fort Myers, Fla., in July. The couple’s children and their spouses hosted the celebration.

Their children are Christopher Economus of Poland; Julie A. Flaherty of Phoenix; Annette Economus of Twinsburg, Ohio; and Adele Yanssens of Lexington, S.C. They have six grandchildren, Christopher, Paul, Grace, George, Ryan and Adreana.

The former Adele Mondora retired as an art teacher for Youngstown City Schools. Her husband retired as an auditor for the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services.

The couple are members of St. Dominic Church in Youngstown, where they were married Nov. 7, 1964.