Canfield and Chaney high schools on Race in their productions of "Ragtime"

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Vindy Radio will be live from 8 a.m. to noon Nov. 6 with host Louie Free. Regular programming with Louie will be offered, but we will have a special segment from 10 to 11 a.m.

Students and staff from Canfield and Chaney high schools will be here to discuss their unique production of "Ragtime."

There will be two students from Canfield, one from Chaney and the directors from each school.

"Ragtime," the musical, is set in New York at the turn of the century. At times, the language of the play may be unpleasant to modern-day audiences as it reflects the racial tensions of the times. Many school productions defer to a toned-down version of the musical.

The Canfield-Chaney effort found a middle space between the adult version and the school version, and it was a challenge to even get to that level as the language is rather coarse.

Members of the cast and the school personnel will explain how they addressed those challenges as well as the obstacle of bringing such a large production with such a large cast to two separate stages.

The "Ragtime" productions will be performed at 6 p.m. Nov. 13 at Chaney and at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15, 21 and 22 at Canfield High School.

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Vindy Talk Radio Studio: 330-333-4454