CHS seniors participate in annual Civic Day


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Canfield City Mayor Bernie Kosar, Sr (left). helped his counterpart, Canfield High School senior Dan Brown, through a mock City Council meeting during the Rotary Club of Canfield’s Civic Day May 2.


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Canfield City Mayor Bernie Kosar, Sr (right). addressed the 37 Canfield High School seniors who participated in the 34th annual Civic Day, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Canfield May 2.


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Canfield High School senior Julie Gemmel (left) assumed the role of Canfield City Council President Steve Rogers and conducted a mock City Council meeting during the Rotary Club of Canfield’s Civic Day May 2.


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Canfield City Council member John Morvay (left) advised Canfield High School senior Edmond Pilolli, who had assumed the role of Morvay, at a mock City Council meeting during the Rotary Club of Canfield’s Civic Day May 2.


The 34th annual Civic Day, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Canfield, was offered with 37 Canfield High School seniors assuming the roles of city, township and school officials May 2. The day was organized by Canfield High School government teachers Todd Muckleroy and Mike Pavlansky and provided the students an opportunity to become familiar with the workings of their local government.

Each student was assigned an official from Canfield City Council, Canfield Schools or Canfield Township to shadow during the day. For example, Dan Brown took over the role of Mayor Bernie Kosar, Sr., Julie Gemmel assumed the role of City Council President Steve Rogers, Gabby Meyer assumed the role of City Manager Joe Warino, Marissa Severino assumed the role of Fire Chief Donald Hutchinson, Tim Fernstrom took over for Township Trustee Brian Governor, Matt McAllen took over for Zoning Inspector Dave Morrison, Naomi Emerick assumed the role of School Superintendent Alex Geordan, Richie Jenkins took over the role of Hilltop Elementary School Principal Joe Maroni and Payton Shannon assumed the role of Resource Officer Steve Garstka.

Civic Day started at the Canfield Local Schools Board Office where the students conducted a mock school board meeting with their official counterparts. The school officials helped the students understand how a school board meeting is conducted and explained policies and procedures for the meeting.

The students then took a tour of Canfield Village Middle School and were given a tour of the police and fire stations.

The students went to the Canfield Municipal Building where they were welcomed by Mayor Kosar.

“What you must understand is Canfield is a charter form of government. The mayor does not run the city, like the mayor of Youngstown does. I will take a complaint from a resident and will then take it to the person who is responsible, which is usually the city manager. Also, Canfield Township works in harmony with the City of Canfield. Those two entities have to work together for the benefit of both entities. It does no good not to work together. Taxes from both the township and city go to the Canfield School System,” Kosar said.

The students participated in a mock city council meeting, with their counterparts. The students were coached through a council meeting, complete with motions, questions from meeting attendees, discussions, roll call, debates and banging of the gavel.

“What we have up here on city council are five very diverse personalities in our members. It is a healthy thing. It provides checks and balances for our council and for our city,” Kosar said.

After the mock city council meeting, a mock mayor’s court was offered for the benefit of the students in attendance.

Under new business, the students tackled such issues as fixing the potholes, passed a resolution supporting Canfield Rotary and the Canfield Board of Education sponsorship of Canfield High School Civic Day, and convened a discussion on a motion to provide the absence of a final exam for Canfield High School seniors.

The students then traveled to the Canfield Township Hall where a mock trustee meeting was conducted.

To close out the day, the Rotary Club of Canfield hosted a luncheon for the students and city, township and school officials at St. Michael’s Church.