Commercial Intertech Retirees will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Mark Fellowship Hall on Logan Way. Lou Pizzuto will preside. Reports will be given by Gloria Wielbruda and Roberta Shick. Luncheon hosts are Dave and Virginia Adams. All Commercial Intertech and Parker Hannifin retirees are welcome. Report illnesses to Connie DiPiero at 330-788-2340.

Retired Registered Nurses will meet for a casserole lunch at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Western Reserve United Methodist Church, 4560 Canfield Road, Canfield. Members with last names beginning with A through G are asked to take a salad; H through O, dessert; and P through Z, entree. All should take dinnerware. All retired RNs are welcome.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.