AARP 4611 East will meet Wednesday at St. Augustine Episcopal Church, 614 Parmelee Ave., Youngstown. An executive board meeting will begin at 11 a.m., and lunch and a meeting will follow at noon. The speaker will be Alicia Alexander. January, February and March birthdays will be celebrated, and there will be a 50-50 raffle. New members and guests are welcome. For illnesses or deaths call Evelyn Jenkins at 330-530-2734. Final payment is due Wednesday for the bus trip to see Steve Harvey on April 11 at the E.J. Thomas Hall in Akron. The bus will leave at 4:30 p.m.
Coitsville Seniors will have their monthly meeting at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at Bedford Trails Golf Course Restaurant in Coitsville. Jane Orlo will preside, and Blanche Sylvester will give the devotions. Members may select their meal from the menu. A 50-50 drawing will precede card bingo. March birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged. Members who have not paid their dues for 2014 may do so at this time. Residents and nonresidents of Coitsville are welcome. For information call 330-536-8320.
Croatian Pensioners will meet at noon Thursday at Lodge 66 Croatian Center, 3200 Vestal Road, Youngstown. Cards and bingo will be played. The board of officers will meet at 10:30 a.m.
Dollar Bank Retirees will meet at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Denny’s Restaurant on Route 224 in Boardman. All former Dollar Bank employees are invited. Annual dues of $15 for 2014 will be collected. Call Sandy Ross at 330-506-1290 for information.
Fowler-Vienna Senior Citizens Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. each Thursday at Fowler Community Center to play cards and games, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and for a 50-50 raffle and meals. Special meals are served on the fourth Thursday of each month. All those who are 55 and older are welcome. Annual dues are $12.
Girard Oldtimers will meet at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Lamancusa Restaurant, Trumbull Road.
Girard Senior Citizens Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Eagles Aerie 2172, 26 W. Wilson Ave. March birthdays and anniversaries will be observed, and 50-50 raffle tickets will be sold. An attendance prize will be given, and bingo and cards will be played.
Liberty 55-Plus Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at First Christian Assembly Church, Cardinal Drive, for its annual St. Patrick’s Day meeting. Kay Herberger will preside. Hostesses are Mary Lou Hluchen and Mary Presco. Cards will be played, and March birthdays will be acknowledged.
Local 2243 Retirees of U.S.W.A. Copperweld Steel Co. (S.O.A.R. Chapter 1-28-10) will have a regular monthly meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Local 1375 Union Hall, 684 N. Park Ave., Warren. The speaker will be Eric Schreckengost from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Take old pill bottles. Refreshments will be served.
OBES Retirees will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at Friendly’s on Route 224 in Poland. All OBES retirees are welcome.
Public Employees Retirees Inc. (P.E.R.I.), Mahoning Chapter 18, will meet at noon April 1 at the Youngstown Saxon Club, 710 N. Meridian Road, Austintown. Guest speaker will be Mona Behnke from the Senior Independence Senior Center. A buffet will consist of penne pasta, meatballs, salad bar, rolls, coffee or tea, ice cream and apple pie. A money raffle will include two Georgetown Grab & Go certificates. The cost is $12 for members, associate members and guests and is payable at the door. Make reservations by calling Ruth Hammond at 330-533-4780, Mary Lou Hessman at 330-783-3009, Olga Krupa at 330-783-2331 or Phyllis Miglarese at 330-755-5640. The deadline for reservations and cancellations is Friday.
St. Christine Seniors will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the parish center. Ruth Infante will preside, and Karen Gaca, Theresa Vivacqua, Angie Revetti and June Kausits are on the luncheon committee. There will be a drawing for a free lunch and a 50-50 raffle. Dues for 2014 will be collected, and bingo and cards will be played. New members are welcome.
Sunshine Seniors will meet March 25 at The Elmton, 584 Fifth St., Struthers. Doors open at 11 a.m. For reservations or cancellations call Betty Jean Fehrenbaugh at 330-549-9904. Birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged, there will be a 50-50 raffle, and bingo will be played. New members are welcome.
Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1953 will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. Monday at Johnny’s. Guests are welcome.
Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.