Ajax Magnethermic Retirees will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Station Square, 4250 Belmont Ave., Youngstown.

Canfield AARP 3104 will meet at 1 p.m. Monday at the Canfield Presbyterian Church. Blood pressure screening will be available from noon to 12:45. In case of weather-related closing of Canfield schools, the meeting will be canceled. Richard Scarsella, local historian and president of the McGuffey Historical Society, will present a program about William McGuffey and McGuffey Readers. There will be a bus trip April 9 and 10 to Lancaster, Pa., to see two shows, “Moses” and the comedy “Anyone for Murder.” For information call 330-337-7133. May 20 will be a Mystery trip; call 330-533-4413. Membership dues for 2014 are to be paid at the meeting Monday. Guests and nonmembers are welcome to the meetings and on the bus trips.

Lowellville Senior Citizens will have its monthly meeting at noon Friday at Lowellville City Hall conference room. Vice president Don D’Onofrio will preside, and Phyllis Nolfi will provide lunch. For reservations call Janet Davanzo at 330-793-3176. Members are asked to take a donation to fill a basket for a sick or shut-in member. A 50-50 raffle and bingo will follow the business meeting. New members are welcome. Dues of $5 for the 2014 are being accepted. Members do not have to be Lowellville residents. To report an illness or death, call Mary Mascarella, sunshine chairman, at 330-536-8748.

Mahoning Retired Teachers Association will meet March 12 at Antone’s Banquet Center, 8578 Market St., Boardman. The social hour will begin at 11 a.m., and lunch will be served at 11:45. Linda Vuletich will preside. Melvin North, coordinator of the Learning in Retirement Program at Youngstown State University’s Metro College, will speak. This month’s community service will be donations for nursing homes. Note cards, assorted greeting cards, stamps, baby powder, mild body lotions, socks, slippers, sweat shirts, robes and lap robes are needed. All area retired educators are invited. To make a reservation call Margie Patterson at 330-750-6257 by Wednesday.

SOAR 27-2 and 27-6, Steelworkers Retirees, Local Union 1330 and 1331, will meet at 1 p.m. Monday at Smith Corners United Methodist Church, 3000 S. Canfield-Niles Road, Youngstown. Refreshments will be served, and new members are welcome.

UFCW Local 880 Retirees will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Cafe 422, South Avenue, Boardman, for a St. Patrick’s Day party. Membership is open to all UFCW Local 880 retirees. For information call 330-502-2103.

YSU Freetimers will meet for its monthly breakfast at 9 a.m. Tuesday at Davidson’s in Cornersburg. All retirees are invited.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.