Lordstown will meet with scholarship winners Hanna Bond and Louis Liming, who will share their college plans. Hostesses are Mary Bond and Janet Frank.


Hubbard will meet for a blueberry social at the Hubbard Public Library, 436 W. Liberty St. Blue food will be served on blue plates to members dressed in blue. Hostesses are Doris Furney and Marilyn Morgan. Bath products will be collected to donate to a local women’s shelter. For information call Beede Chick at 330-534-8672 or Marti Altier at 330-534-9232.

Mignonette will meet at 1 p.m. at the home of Beverly Musesan, hostess, for a picnic and garden tour. Co-hostesses will be Georgianna D’Andrea and Valorie Zurawick.

Garden club events are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.