Africas celebrate 50th anniversary with trip, cruise


Mr. and Mrs. John Africa Sr.


Mr. and Mrs. John Africa Sr. of Canfield began their 50th anniversary celebration with a weekend trip to Atlantic City in June. Hosting the trip were their children, Wendy and Mark Snider of Ocoee, Fla.; John Jr. and Jodi Africa of Streetsboro, Ohio; and Tom and Kari Africa of Lebanon, Ohio.

In August, the couple will continue the celebration with a cruise along the River Seine in northern France.

The former Marilyn Temnick was employed as an accountant with Joy Mining Machinery in Solon, Ohio, when she retired in 1999.

Mr. Africa was employed by the J.C. Penney Co., where he ended his career of 35 years as the northeast regional sales promotion manager out of Plano, Texas. He retired in 1998.

The couple were married May 17, 1964, at the Mahoning Avenue United Methodist Church in Youngstown. They are members of Western Reserve United Methodist Church.