60-Plus Club of St. Brendan Church will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday in Maxwell Hall. Ann Smith will preside, and Dorothy Procick and Dorothy LoSasso will give reports. Cards and bingo will follow the meeting. New members are welcome. To report illness and deaths call Theresa Vivacqua at 330-793-2792.
Croatian Pensioners will meet at noon Thursday at the Croatian Center, 3200 Vestal Road, Youngstown. Birthdays and anniversaries will be celebrated, and cards and bingo will be played. A board meeting will precede the meeting at 11 a.m.
Dollar Bank Retirees will meet at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Denny’s Restaurant on Route 224 in Boardman. All former Dollar Bank employees are invited to attend whether or not they have retired. Anyone who has not paid dues for 2014 may do so at this time. Contact Sandy Ross at 330-506-1290 for information.
East High School Class of 1958 will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Upstairs Restaurant. Spouses are welcome. For reservations and information, call 330-757-8308 or 330-755-1101.
Girard OldTimers will meet at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Lamancusa Restaurant, Trumbull Road.
Girard Senior Citizens Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Eagles Hall, 26 W. Wilson Ave. All members are asked to attend this important meeting. July birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged. An attendance prize will be awarded, and 50-50 tickets will be sold.
Happy Wanderers will meet July 18 at the Corner House Christian Church. Social time begins about 11 am. Everyone is to take a sandwich and if your last name begins with O-Z you are asked to take a snack to share at noon. Tim & Cydnee Bancroft will provide a program of music. Tim is Minister of Music & Worship at Greenwood Christian Church, Canton. Serving as Hospitality will be Wilma Quinn, Georgia Bosley, Helen Collins, Charlotte Bottar, and Ray and Lillian Zedaker. Greeters will be Phyllis Thomas, Florence Paddock, Wayne and Mila Prill and Irene DeStasio. Note that the picnic will be in August this year. Reservations are now being accepted for the following tours: Pennsylvania Dutch Tour, featuring “Moses” on Sept 12-13; Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad & Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens Tour on October 10; and Festival of Trees at Warthers Museum and J.E. Reeves Mansion, Nov. 18. The July 10 tour has been canceled. Call regarding the Living Word Outdoor Drama, Aug. 1, tour status. All tours depart the corner of Chestnut Ridge Road and Route 7 in Hubbard. More information and tour brochures are available by calling 330-534-2759.
OBES Retirees will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at Friendly’s, Route 224 in Poland. All OBES retirees are welcome.
Sears Friendship Club will meet at noon Monday at What’s Cookin’ Restaurant on South Avenue in Boardman.
St. Christine Seniors will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the parish center for the annual picnic. There will be a 50-50 raffle, door prizes, bingo and card games.
Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.