Garden Gate will have a Christmas luncheon. The hostess is Dorothy Shirilla.


Gleaners will have a noon Christmas party luncheon at Squaw Creek Country Club, 761 Youngstown-Kingsville Road SE, Vienna. Mary Lou Flere will preside. Meetings and programs for 2015 will be discussed. The hostess is Joyce Dunbar. For information contact Flere at 330-530-1878.


Mignonette will meet at 1 p.m. for a Christmas luncheon with a surprise guest at the home of hostess Pat Reardon, 280 Southview Drive, Canfield. Co-hostesses are Dottie Bodnar and Valorie Zurawick. The gift exchange will be a $10 gift card. Dues of $20 are due.

Garden club events are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.