Commercial Intertech Retirees will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall on Logan Way. Lou Pizzuto will preside. Reports will be given by Gloria Wielbruda and Roberta Shick. Luncheon hosts are Karen Humphrey, Lucille Congemi and George McClelland. There will be a ticket auction. All Commercial Intertech and Parker Hannifin retirees are welcome. Report illnesses to Connie DiPiero at 330-788-2340.

Holy Family Seniors Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Monday at the Holy Family Parish Hall, 2729 Center Road, Poland, for a brief business meeting followed by lunch, bingo or card games and a 50-50 raffle. Hostesses are Jane Colella, May Murphy and Ellen Hall. New and renewal membership dues are $10 per year and will be collected. Membership is open to seniors age 55 and older. The cost for lunch is $3, and optional bingo is $1. For additional information call Ruth Burns at 330-757-1334. Report all illnesses or deaths to Ida Miller at 330-965-8489.

Packard Electric and Delphi Packard Retirees will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Local 717 Union Hall, Warren Commerce Park, 2950 Sferra Ave. Members are asked to take a labeled covered dish and table service. The speaker will be Melissa Ames of the Better Business Bureau on the topic “Senior Scams.”

Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.