Today is Tuesday, May 7, the 127th day of 2013. There are 238 days left in the year.

Today is Tuesday, May 7, the 127th day of 2013. There are 238 days left in the year.


On this date in:

1789: The first inaugural ball is held in New York in honor of President George Washington and his wife, Martha.

1915: Nearly 1,200 people die when a German torpedo sinks the British liner RMS Lusitania off the Irish coast.

1942: U.S. Army Gen. Jonathan Wainwright goes on a Manila radio station to announce the Allied surrender of the Philippines to Japanese forces during World War II.

1945: Germany signs an unconditional surrender at Allied headquarters in Rheims, France, ending its role in World War II.

1963: The United States launches the Telstar 2 communications satellite.

1975: President Gerald R. Ford declares an end to the “Vietnam era.” In Ho Chi Minh City — formerly Saigon — the Viet Cong celebrate its takeover.


1988: As negotiations begin, Law Director Edwin Romero says Youngstown is not in a financial position to upgrade the employees’ economic benefits, while AFSCME chief negotiator William Van Zandt proposes across the board pay raises and dental and vision care plans for workers.

Youngstown police officer Robert C. Gump, 35, is in St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center with a bullet wound of the upper right thigh suffered when his service revolver discharged while he was holstering it while on a call on Crandall Avenue.

1973: Vincent J. Doria, assistant Mahoning County welfare director, is named chairman of the Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the United Veterans Council.

Six members of the Youngstown Board of Education reassure school district residents that they fully intend to construct, remodel and improve school buildings if the proposed $17 million bond issue is approved by voters, countering claims by one dissenting board member, Louis J. Marciella.

1963: Second Lt. Richard P. Meader, 25, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Meader of Canfield, a student pilot at Webb Air Force Base, Texas, dies in the crash of his T37 jet trainer.

Vandals scratch two paintings in the permanent collection at Butler Institute of American Art causing about $650 in damage. The paintings are “John Elliott Preaching to Indians” and “Ship Francis Jacobson.”

1938: Mrs. Mary Bucci, 80, is badly burned when her dress caught fire as she leaned cross a gas stove to light a second burner while preparing breakfast at her home, 614 Belmont Ave. Her granddaughter, Minnie DePino, was treated for a burn of the hand suffered when she wrapped her grandmother in a blanket.

Dr. James B. Nelson, a leading gynecologist in Youngstown and former president of the Mahoning County Medical Society, dies at his Warren Avenue home of a heart attack. He was 52.