Election update | McNally wins, fracking issue loses, school issues win

YOUNGSTOWN — In a very close race, John A. McNally IV won the Democratic primary for Youngstown mayor by 150 votes over Jamael Tito Brown.

McNally received 3,292 votes, 50.41 percent, to 3,142 votes for Brown, 48.17 percent.

Matthew Smith received 96 votes, 1.47 percent.

There are 27 provisional votes that won’t be counted for about two weeks, but won’t impact the outcome of the race.

The anti-fracking charter amendment in Youngstown was defeated with 3,821 no votes, 57 percent, to 2,880 yes votes, 43 percent.

All school issues in Mahoning County were approved with the closest race being in Boardman where a 1.6-mill replacement levy won by just four votes. That issue will be subject to a recount.