Neither vulnerable. South deals.


xA J 8 6 3

uJ 4

v9 5

wJ 6 5 4


xK 5 2 xQ 9 7 4

uK 9 7 2 uQ 10

vJ 8 6vQ 10 7 3

wQ 8 2 wK 10 7



uA 8 6 5 3

vA K 4 2

wA 9 3

The bidding:


1u Pass 1x Pass

2v Pass 2u Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of w

Here’s another deal from Eddie Kantar’s excellent series “Thinking Bridge,” designed for players who would like to improve their game.

North’s bidding describes a hand with a doubleton heart and 6-9 high-card points. With three hearts and similar strength and distribution, North does best to raise to two hearts directly and not mention spades. Keeping this in mind, South is not strong enough to bid on. With a weak heart suit (hard to set up facing a doubleton), South needs 17-18 HCP to bid two no trump. If South has A Q 9 in clubs, South could try two no trump. With weak hearts and any strength hand, South should not persist in hearts facing a doubleton — a death wish if ever there was one.

With no standout lead available, the unbid suit is a reasonable shot. Assuming dummy plays low, East plays the ten, not the king. East plays similarly if dummy has Q x x (x). When third hand has a higher and a lower honor than dummy, the lower honor is inserted if dummy plays low. Very important.

After winning the ace of clubs, South plays on crossruff lines, trying to make as many small trumps as possible. A good start is the ace of spades, spade ruff, diamond A K, diamond ruff, spade ruff and a fourth diamond. West does best to ruff with the king of hearts. If he does, eight tricks for declarer; if he does not, nine tricks.

Remember, after 1 u-1 x, 2 v-2 u, or 1 u-1 NT, 2 w- 2 u, responder figures to have a doubleton heart. Amen.

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