Both vulnerable. North deals.


xA J 7

uQ 8 3

vA J 10 7 6 5



x4 3 2 x5

u2 uA K J 10 9 7

vK Q v9 8 4 2

wJ 8 7 5 4 3 2 w10 9


xK Q 10 9 8 6

u6 5 4


wA Q 6

The bidding:


1v 2u 2x Pass

3x Pass 4x Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of u

Inexperienced players at a Spring North American Bridge Championship had a treat in store for them. Each day America’s most prolific player-writer, Eddie Kantar, had a tip for them in the tournament’s Daily Bulletin. Here’s an example.

East’s weak jump overcall is textbook. After South bid spades and North raised, South had an easy continuation to game.

West led the singleton heart, East won with jack and cashed the king and ace, both declarer and dummy following. Should West discard two low clubs to discourage a shift to that suit, East will get the idea and shift to a diamond, dummy capturing the queen with the ace. Declarer will draw trumps and claim the rest of the tricks.

Correct is for West to ditch the king and queen of diamonds on the hearts! Now when East shifts to diamonds, West can ruff for a one-trick set.

Kantar’s sage advice: When several discards can be envisioned, consider discarding from shortness, putting yourself in position to ruff the suit you are discarding!

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