Both vulnerable. South deals.


xA 7 4 2

u10 7 4 3 2

vQ 6

wA Q


xQ 10 5 x9 8 6

uVoid uJ 8 6 5

vA K J 8 5 2 v10 4

w10 9 5 4 w8 7 6 3


xK J 3

uA K Q 9

v9 7 3

wK J 2

The bidding:


1NT 2v 3v Pass

3u Pass 4u Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: King of v

Especially when playing for coin of the realm, pessimism pays. Consider this deal.

North’s three-diamond cue-bid was Stayman, asking partner to bid a four-card major if he had one. South obliged and North raised to game in the major.

West led the king and ace of diamonds, everyone following as East echoed by first following with the ten. West continued with the jack. Both the bidding and play marked West with an original holding of six diamonds. Nevertheless South, an eternal optimist, elected to ruff on the table with the ten since, if East overruffed, a successful finesse for the queen of spades would still land the contract. That was not to be, but a more cautious approach would have made the game.

On the third diamond, declarer should discard a spade from dummy. Best is for West to shift to a club. Declarer rises with the ace and leads a trump to the queen. When West shows out on this trick, declarer returns to the table with the queen of clubs and takes a finesse for the knave of hearts. After drawing two more rounds of trumps, declarer cashes the king of clubs for another spade discard, and the last three tricks are taken by the king and ace of spades and the table’s long heart.

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