Love is in the air

Family Features

Chocolates? Roses? Been there, done that. Everyone wants to make sure the special someone in their lives knows how much they care.

Here are some easy and fun ways to prove that he or she is No. 1 in your book.

Make a Playlist of “Your Songs”

Whether it was playing when you first met or is the soundtrack to your favorite movie, every couple has songs that mean something special to them. In the car, leave a CD or MP3 player stocked with your most memorable tunes as a special surprise and a suddenly-better commute.

Do the house chores. Seriously.

Fix that item you’ve been saying you would fix forever. Empty the dishwasher and clean the bathroom. When they get home, have all the chores done, that way the only thing left to do is enjoy each other.

Put Pen to Paper

Hide little notes with heartfelt sentiments on the refrigerator, on the nightstand, taped to the computer screen — any place they might stumble upon it throughout a typical day. Your note might be found after a long meeting or last-minute deadline, providing a moment of reprieve and happiness during a hectic day.

Raise a Glass and Indulge — Together

Toast each other with some tasty treats. Pop some bubbly, then enjoy mixing these recipes together.

For more romantic wines and recipes, visit