Communities must be vigilant

Communities must be vigilant

God rest Teddy Foltz and bless those that care about him, and seek justice on his behalf. May they be richly rewarded.

I am reminded that Akron years ago saw the same situation, different characters — the story of little Charlie Wright who was beaten to death by his mother’s boyfriend while she watched, and while Summit County Children’s Service Board did nothing. In Mahoning County the CSB, also, did nothing.

It appears that both agencies are involved in the destruction of children rather than in their protection. I was one of a very few who worked for the defeat of a renewal levy they had going back at the time of Charlie’s death. It was defeated. But being the shadowy entity that they are, they came back at the next election and the levy passed. People forget so quickly.

Further, when the child’s murderer came due for parole, the Akron Beacon Journal had the conscience to write a follow up article stating opposition to the murderer’s parole and the address of the Ohio Parole Board for the citizenry to write their opposition. Some 10,000 letters insured that he would not be paroled. His parole was denied.

We did not wait for a prosecutor to work for parole denial when we, the people, should be doing the job. It is our responsibility to keep predators, especially child murderers, in jail.

Perhaps The Vindicator and Youngstowners should make a note to do the same when such a situation arises.

Christina Foltz, Youngstown

The writer is not related to Teddy Foltz.