Rev., Mrs. Leone celebrate 50th year of marriage

The Rev. and Mrs. James Leone
The Rev. and Mrs. James Leone of Boardman celebrated their 50th anniversary Dec. 23 with a dinner party at the home of their daughter, the Rev. Joy (Perry) Chickonoski of Poland.
Their other children are Jim (Betty) Leone Jr. of Canfield, Nicole (Anthony) Morucci of Poland and Teri (Paul) Moser of New Middletown.
The Leones’ grandchildren are Carley, Cami and Perry Chickonoski III, Vincent and Jim Leone III, and Anthony and Alyssa Morucci. They have three step-grandchildren, Dave (Sharon) and Dan (Liz) Moser and Melissa (Chris) Ilovsky, and three step-great-grandchildren, Sarah, Katie Rose and David Moser.
The former Georgia Colla and The Rev. Mr. Leone were married Dec. 23, 1963, at Mother of Sorrows Church in Ashtabula. She worked as a self-employed hairdresser in Boardman before retiring in the 1980s.
The couple are members of the YMCA and of Real Living Ministry at the Y, where Mr. Leone is associate chaplain. He served in the U.S. Army from 1963 to 1969.