Wedding date of Jugenheimer, Cricks revealed


Michael Cricks and Lisa Jugenheimer

Glen and Margie Jugenheimer of Hubbard and Ellen Cricks of Niles are announcing the engagement of their children, Lisa Jugenheimer and Michael Cricks, both of Niles. The late Michael Cricks is the future groom’s father.

Invitations will be extended for the couple’s wedding Jan. 18, 2014, at First United Methodist Church in Hubbard. Invitations also will be issued for a reception to follow at Ciminero’s Banquet Center in Niles.

Miss Jugenheimer received a bachelor of arts degree from Malone University and a master of education degree from Nova Southeastern University. She is a math teacher for Hubbard Exempted Village School District.

Mr. Cricks is owner and operator of Complete Kettlebell & Fitness in Niles.