Cartoon got the story right

Cartoon got the story right

The recent editorial car- toon depicting the burden of the post office’s requirement of 75 years of pre-funding was dead on in depicting the biggest problem facing the postal service. Is there any organization that would not go broke with that kind of burden?

Would removing the funding requirement solve all the problems of the postal service? Only a fool would believe so. But maybe, just maybe, the postal service would have some breathing room and perhaps common sense would prevail.

Richard Smiley, Girard

Some elderly will wander away

This is in reference to ar- ticles in your newspaper, which cast an unfavorable light on an “assisted-living facility” in Niles. This was concerning an individual who managed to leave the facility undetected. This unfortunately resulted in a tragic incident.

On a recent Saturday, I noticed an elderly gentleman, struggling with his walker, going down Niles-Vienna Road with no coat. He obviously slipped out from his care-givers’ notice. I reported this to the proper people, who immediately took action to remedy this very dangerous situation.

I am a former owner of an assisted-living facility with 18 years experience. Some residents can manage to slip out regardless of all “safe guards” that have been installed. Some of the elderly may have short memories, but they are not stupid. This was at a different facility than the one that your writer had reported on.

Robert A. Raschilla, Niles