Panasonic continues to make plasma TVs

Q. Panasonic has said they are going to stop manufacturing plasma TVs. What do you recommend instead?

J.P., Minneapolis

A. This is just a rumor started by a Nikkei business report, and the rumor spread to other sources. Panasonic still makes plasma televisions and has no current plans to leave the market. I have verified it personally with Panasonic’s PR personnel, and because of the rumor Panasonic’s president in Japan recently released statements backing up the television business.

What’s more, Panasonic recently announced a brand-new line of plasma TVs, and this month, the company is holding a big press event in New York City to launch them. They are still my top TV recommendation, and I will be reviewing the new ST60 series soon. For those who want the very best, a new ZT series will be available with ultra-premium picture quality. The ZT televisions will sell at a noticeably higher price than the ST series, which are likely to remain the sweet spot for those who want spectacular picture quality at an affordable price.

Even if the rumor were true, it would be no reason to avoid buying a plasma set. If anything, it is more of a reason to buy a plasma TV as it could be your last chance to own superior plasma technology. (I must note here that other manufacturers make plasma TVs, though Panasonic has become almost synonymous with plasma.) Once you have it, the TV will last a very long time. If you watch 8 hours per day, a 1080p Panasonic plasma will go for 30 years before it’s at half-brightness.

Every now and then I get an email asking why I prefer and recommend plasma when it seems that everyone else is recommending LCD and LED-LCD. If you dig a little deeper, you will find that my position is not atypical among experts and is actually the prevailing one among audio/video enthusiasts and publications that review televisions. Though LCD and LED-LCD sets have some advantages, the commonly held viewpoint is that plasma offers the very best picture quality available. Since it typically costs less than comparable LED-LCD sets, plasma is a rare opportunity to own the best while spending less. It is usually the retailers recommending LCD and LED-LCD over plasma. They do this because for reasons such as higher prices and higher profit margins, because they do not carry any brands that manufacture plasma, and because of the low-paid, nonexpert sales help in big-box stores.

Q. I’m intrigued by the Cambridge SoundWorks Oontz. Can I use it with my Toshiba laptop? I have a McIntosh system into which I plug my iPhone but the speakers are too far away from the computer.

D.S., Madison, Wis.

A. You can use the McIntosh stereo with your laptop by purchasing a $99 Apple AirPort Express. Airport Express will stream music from your computer to your stereo and you can use Apple’s free Remote app to control everything from your iPhone.

If your laptop does not have Bluetooth, you can buy a USB Bluetooth adapter for less than $20.

For the ultimate in simplicity, just plug the Oontz into the laptop’s headphone port using the supplied miniplug stereo cable. You can connect any portable speakers this way.

Contact Don Lindich at and use the “submit question” link on that site.

2013 McClatchy-Tribune News Service

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