

Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x6 uK Q J 9 8 5 2 v10 5 w9 7 2

The bidding has proceeded:


3u Pass 4u 4x


What action do you take?

A. What would you like to tell partner that you did not do with your opening bid? Any further action is up to partner, so don’t interfere. Pass.

Q. As South, vulnerable with 90 on score, you hold:

xA 9 5 uK Q 7 v6 2 wK J 9 5 4

Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What action do you take?

A. With a partscore, you are not in position to make a temporizing response to partner’s opening bid — no two-bid would be forcing. Under those circumstances, the simplest way to attract partner’s attention is a simple raise to two spades. Since that is a bid over game, partner should realize it is a mild try for greater things.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

x9 7 3 uK Q 9 vQ 8 5 3 2 w7 3

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 1NT Pass

2u Pass ?

What action do you take?

A. With equal length in the suits partner has bid, you are duty bound to return to his first-bid suit regardless of the quality of your holding in those suits. Bid two spades.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ 8 7 4 3 uJ 10 5 vK 3 wA 10 6

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 1x Pass

2v Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. A simple preference to two hearts does not do your holding justice. Jump to three hearts to tell partner you have enough to invite game. With game-going values you would bid four hearts, not issue an invitation.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xQ 9 7 6 uA Q 7 v7 wA K J 4 3

The bidding has proceeded:


1w 3v 3u Pass


What do you bid now?

A. A raise to game would be a woeful underbid. Express an interest in bigger things by cue-bidding four diamonds, and accept partner’s decision should he sign off in four hearts.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x9 6 4 uJ 10 v9 8 6 5 2 wA 10 7

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Dbl Pass 2v

2u 2x Pass ?

What action do you take?

A. So far you have promised partner nothing — you could have a bust. However, you hold three-card support for partner’s major, a ruffing value and an ace. At the very least raise partner to three spades.

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