Jasmine Freebourn | Joseph Corpa


Jasmine Freebourn and Joseph Corpa


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corpa honeymooned in Jamaica after their wedding at 4:30 p.m. July 14 at New Apostolic Church, where the Rev. William McNutt officiated. A reception honored the couple at Aulizio’s Banquet Center in Warren.

The bride, the former Jasmine Freebourn of Boardman, is the daughter of Lee and Cheryl Freebourn of Ashtabula. The groom is the son of Joni Derenzo of Boardman and Joseph Corpa of Poland.

Mrs. Corpa received a bachelor’s degree in business management from Kent State University. She is a caseworker with Trumbull County Job and Family Services in Warren.

Her husband earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Youngstown State University. He is an assistant manager at Wal-Mart in Boardman.

Lindsay Jones was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Ashley Senich, Angie Hill, Stephanie Persing and Crystal Morrow. Flower girl was Mara Johnston, the bride’s cousin. Attendants wore red dresses.

Best man was Eric Bylenok. Groomsmen were Robert Granchie, Nick Mediate, Matt Russo and Shane Freebourn, the bride’s brother. Jack and Johnny Burton, the groom’s cousins, were ring bearers.

The couple live in Boardman.