

Name: Michael Toppi and Julie Mortellaro

Instrument: Michael: Trumpet and Baritone; Julie: Clarinet and Bass Clarinet

Q. When did you start playing your instrument?

A. Both Toppi and Mortellaro began playing their instruments in the fifth grade. Mortellaro began playing the clarinet, and in her junior year she started to play the bass clarinet.

Q. Best memory of being in band/marching band?

A.Toppiā€™s favorite memories of band are meeting all the people every year at band camp. Also, he attended the Disney World and Cedar Point trips. Toppi also competed in the Solo and Ensemble competitions and received awards for both.

Mortellaro enjoyed the Massillon Band nights each year, as well as the Disney World, Cedar Point and New Orleans trips. Her most memorable trip, though, is the New Orleans trip. She was part of an ensemble in her sophomore and junior years and received a I and II rating. She also participated in District contest in her junior year.

Q. Why is music important to you?

A. Music is important to Toppi because it gives him a creative outlet that he can use to express himself. Being in the band has been an enjoyable experience and has definitely made the years in high school very enjoyable.

Music is important to Mortellaro because it is something everyone can enjoy. She made a lot of friends and would definitely recommend band to anyone thinking about playing an instrument. The memories and friendships made will last a lifetime.

Q.What college do you hope to attend/intended major?

A. Toppi plans to attend Youngstown State University. He is currently undecided in his major, but is thinking about going into Civil Engineering.

Mortellaro is thinking about attending Kent State University, with a major in Nursing.