Shellie Sabel | David Duchek

Planning a delayed honeymoon to Italy this April are Shellie Sabel of Poland and David Duchek of Struthers, who were united in marriage the afternoon of Dec. 30, 2011.
The Rev. Michael Swierz officiated over the exchange of vows at Christ Our Savior-Holy Trinity Church. A reception followed at the Dutch Village Inn in Columbiana.
The bride’s white A-line beaded gown was fashioned with straps and was gathered at the waist.
Attending the bride as matron of honor was Katie Ensley, her sister, attired in navy blue.
Bill Duchek served as best man for his brother, and the bride’s nephews Jackson Ensley and Cooper Ensley participated as ring bearers.
Ushers were Gregory Ensley, brother-in-law of the bride; and Bob Duchek, brother of the groom.
The bride, daughter of Thomas and Patricia Sabel of Boardman, is a graduate of Youngstown State University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She works as a development officer for Potential Development program of Youngstown.
The groom, son of William and Mary Duchek of Poland, graduated from YSU with a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s in history. He is a human resource administrator for Pharmacy Data Management Inc. of Poland.
The couple are making their home in Poland.