Salem Masons install officers at dinner event


Salem Commandery of York Rite Masonry conducted its annual installation of officers June 12 at the Salem Masonic Building. A dinner preceded the events, and the following were installing officers: Jim Parker, Perry Coxson, Gary Ronshausen Jr. and Steve Ronshausen.

The following men were installed: Don Jugenheimer, commander; Brad Lankford, generalisimo, Eric Forney, captain general; Steve Ronsausen, prelate; William Stanley, treasurer; Gary Ronshausen Jr., recorder; Clyde Stratman, senior warden; Lou Hartsough, junior warden; Ernie Greenisen, standard bearer; Gary Ronshausen Sr., sword bearer; Jim Forney, warder; and Mike Stumperth, sentinel.

The group made a donation to the Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund, and a fellowship hour followed.