

East-West vulnerable. East deals.


x7 6 4 2

uJ 4 2

vK 10 9

wA K 10


xJ xQ 10

u10 9 8 5 uA K Q 6

vA 7 3 vJ 6 4 2

w8 7 5 4 2 wQ J 6


xA K 9 8 5 3

u7 3

vQ 8 5

w9 3

The bidding:


1NT 2x Pass 4x

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Ten of u

Here’s another of Eddie Kantar’s instructional hands, designed for players eager to improve their game.

“North makes an aggressive raise to four spades, and now South must justify North’s confidence.

“East begins with three high hearts, South ruffing, noticing nine high-card points from the East hand. South plunks down two top spades and finds East with two more high-card points in spades, for a total of 11.

“Why is South doing all this counting? Because the entire hand depends upon the location of the diamond jack! South is trying to determine who is more likely to hold this card.

“Before attacking diamonds, South plays the ace and king of clubs and ruffs a club, looking for more information. South notices the fall of the queen-jack of clubs from East. East has now turned up with 14 high-card points and can have no more than 17. This means that the ace of diamonds must be with West, and the jack must be with East because East needs 15 points to open one no trump. Play East for the diamond jack by running the ten through East!”

For more information about Kantar’s lesson hands, go to

2012 Tribune Media Services