

Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x7 uK 10 8 3 vA 10 7 5 wA K Q 3

Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?

A. This is simply a question of whether you settle for small slam or go all the way. Start with a jump shift to three clubs to begin probing for partner’s values.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK 9 5 uQ J 8 7 2 vA J 8 w7 4

Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?

A. You are on the border of a limit and a forcing raise of opener’s suit, and we would choose the aggressive course because of the bigger bonus. Should we go down in game the vulnerability will still be in our favor on the next deal.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK Q 10 7 6 u9 4 v8 7 3 wA K 9

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 2v Pass


What do you bid now?

A. You have a balanced minimum without a stopper in the unbid major. Despite that flaw, we think it is more important to describe your shape than anything else. Put a diamond among your hearts and bid two no trump.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK J 8 u8 7 5 v9 5 wA J 7 3 2

Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?

A. If you have a way to show a limit raise with only three-card support for partner’s major, by all means make it now. If not, you must simply raise to two hearts.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK Q J 9 6 5 2 uVoid vA K 8 5 wA 7

As dealer, what is your opening bid?

A. You have a three-loser hand and a self-sufficient master suit. To do anything other than open two clubs grossly undervalues this hand’s potential.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK 9 7 uJ 9 8 vA J 9 wQ J 8 6

Partner opens the bidding with two no trump. What do you bid?

A. If you play the standard range of 20-22 points, you are a whit short of bidding slam ‚ö even if partner is maximum you could be missing an ace and a king, or even two aces. Take the cash and let the credit go — bid three no trump.

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