Seed exchange set at Canfield fairgrounds

Staff report


Ohio State University Extension Master Gardeners of Mahoning County will host “Bring One, Take One,” a perennial flower and seed exchange, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Aug. 11.

The event will take place at the Canfield Fairgrounds, next to the pumpkin building.

Anyone who wishes to participate in the exchange should bring plants, seeds or bulbs to share. Items should be labeled so new owners will know the name, planting instructions, color and bloom seasons of their new plants.

All perennial plants and flowers are welcome, including houseplants and water plants, but invasive species will not be accepted. The master-gardener volunteers will help with any plant identification and labeling.

In addition to the plant exchange, there will be an exchange of shovels, gardening tools, aprons, ceramic pots, unopened soil and fertilizer, garden art and garden decorations. These items must be in good condition, clean and usable.

Rules for the exchange have been made to maintain fairness for all participants. Each person bringing an item will be asked to obtain one plant, bulb or seed package at the ringing of a bell, and if additional items remain, each person will be asked to obtain a second item at the bell. This process will continue until all items have been distributed fairly.

For information, contact Eric Barrett at 330-533-5538, or visit

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