Sebring garage sale

Sebring garage sale


The Sebring Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor its 11th annual garage sale Aug. 2-4 with most sales occurring all three days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The sale is always the first consecutive Thursday through Saturday of August. Any Sebring or neighboring residents may have a sale at their home.

Sellers register their sale to be included on the list with a map of Sebring attached.

Lists are available at the village hall, Ashton’s 5 & 10, Leonard’s Hardware, Perkins Restaurant, Mae C’s Restaurant and Van Camp’s Gas Station and by email from

Apprenticeship applications taken


The Youngstown and Vicinity Sheet Metal Workers JATC Local Union 33 will be taking applications for the apprenticeship program in heating, ventilations and air conditioning.

Applications will be accepted at the union hall at 200 McClurg Road in Boardman from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday.

Applicants must bring the following: high school transcripts, high school diploma or equivalent, birth certificate, valid driver’s license, and all applicants must be at least 17 years old and eligible to work in the U.S.

A nonrefundable application fee of $25 in cash must be paid at time of application.

Upon acceptance, applicants must be able to pass a drug screen and physical. Application testing will be Saturday.

For more information, call the union office at 330-758-3393.

Store’s retail truck travels to drill sites


Ron’s Workingman’s Store of Canton is offering direct sales on site with a new mobile retail truck equipped to travel 51/2 days a week directly to well heads offering work clothes, industry-standard flame-resista nt clothing, jackets, boots, tools and accessories.

Job-site visits are planned all over Central, East Central Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, primarily where Utica and Marcellus Shale drilling is taking place.

The mobile showroom-store, part of a new division of Wilkof Industrial launched by owner Ron Wilkof, will create jobs including a team of new retail specialist/ drivers to understand the apparel and accessory needs of drillers.

Panel discussion on housing market


The American Action Forum will have a panel discussion with nationally recognized experts to evaluate the Ohio housing market and highlight lessons learned from the state’s experience.

David Goodman, director of the Ohio Department of Commerce and chairman of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency, will give opening remarks.

Vindicator staff reports

Selected local stocks


Aqua America, .66, 26.75 .57

Avalon Holdings,3.85.00

Clear Channel, .73 66.32 .12

Cortland Bancorp, 10.00—.20

Farmers Nat., .126.26 .40

First Energy, 2.20, 50.42.72

FirstMerit Corp., .64,16.34 .08

First Niles Financial, .32,8.05.00

First Place Fin., .75.00

FNB Corp., .48,11.065.14

General Motors,19.65.54

General Electric, .68,20.915.36

Motors Liquidation, .0422.00

Huntington Bank, .16, 6.395—.01

JP Morgan Chase, 1.20,36.901.08

Key Corp, .20,8.18.11

LaFarge, 11.85 .75

Macy’s, .80, 36.53.95

Parker Hannifin, 1.64, 81.402.96

PNC, 1.60,59.561.12

RTI Intl. Metals,22.55.81

Simon Prop. Grp.,4.00,160.541.54

Stoneridge 6.24 .21

United Community Fin. 2.61.00

Selected prices at 4 p.m. Friday. Provided by Stifel Nicolaus. Not to be construed as an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any security.

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