Union Baptist to host state session

Staff report


The Ohio Baptist State Convention Inc. will conduct its 54th Congress of Christian Education Aug. 6-10 at Union Baptist Church, 528 Lincoln Ave.

The Eastern District is hosting the event. Pastor Ernest Ellis is district moderator, and Pastor Michael H. Harrison Sr. of Union Baptist is convention president.

The theme will be “Construction through Instruction in Love” from Ephesians 4:11-16, and the secondary theme will be “Staying True in an Untrue World — Yes You Can” from 1 Corinthians 15:57.

Classes will be at 9 a.m. Aug. 7-10. Evening sessions, all at 7 p.m., are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Evening events planned are:

Aug. 6: Pastor Harrison will deliver a message at a consecration and communion service.

Aug. 7: Dr. Ricky Sherrer, congress dean and pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Cincinnati, will speak.

Aug. 8: Presidential banquet is planned. Guest speaker will be Dr. Robert Smith Jr. of Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Cincinnati. Ticket donation is $35.

Aug. 9: “Youth explosion” is scheduled.

Aug. 10: Dr. Donald E. Jones, OBSC Congress of Christian Education president and pastor of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Cincinnati, will give his annual address. In the morning, six scholarship winners will be announced. Each will receive $2,500, and 10 laptops will be given away.

The convention is free to members as long as unified budget fees are current. Delegates are unlimited. For nonunified budget churches, the cost is $300 for unlimited delegates. Nonunified budget for a pastor and one delegate is $150, and open enrollment is $75 per person.

Call Union Baptist Church at 330-746-1217 for information.

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