P.E.R.I. 18 picnic planned at Saxon Club


Public Employees Retirees Inc., Mahoning Chapter 18, will meet Aug. 7 for the annual picnic at Youngstown Saxon Club, 710 S. Meridian Road.

The menu will consist of hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, macaroni salad, relish tray, fruit plate, iced tea, lemonade, coffee and Texas sheet cake. There will be a money raffle.

The cost is $9 for members, associate members and guests, payable at the door. To make reservations call Kitty McCabe at 330-758-8858, Ruth Hammond at 330-533-4780, Olga Krupa at 330-783-2331 or Phyllis Miglarese at 330-755-5640. The deadline for reservations is Saturday. No reservations will be accepted after that date.

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