Mahoning officials place levy on ballot

By Sean Barron


Mahoning County commissioners have agreed to place a five-year 0.5-mill Mahoning County Children Services Board levy on the Nov. 6 general- election ballot.

The renewal levy will bring to the agency an estimated $1.3 million each year, which is roughly 10 percent of CSB’s annual revenue, noted Denise Stewart, executive director.

In addition, the levy will not mean new taxes for residents, Stewart stressed, adding that the measure is a continuation of a levy first passed in 1982.

The bulk of the money will go toward general operating expenses as well as the care and placement of children, noted Daniel Thomas, fiscal officer.

Also at the meeting Thursday, commissioners awarded the Idaho Road reconstruction project to Foust Construction Inc. of Youngstown.

The $651,818 project will make improvements to Idaho Road in Austintown, in part by adding a traffic signal at Idaho and New roads and widening a nearby intersection, noted county Engineer Richard A. Marsico.

The work is to get under way soon and will ease traffic flow in the area, he said. Marsico, however, was unable to provide an estimated completion date.

Marsico also announced that Rosemont Road between Blott and Palmyra roads in Jackson Township will close Monday for a culvert replacement.

The work, estimated at $73,850, should wrap up Aug. 30, Marsico said, adding that traffic will be detoured along Palmyra and Bailey roads, Mahoning Avenue and other nearby county roads.

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