Kids get crafty at Michael’s event


Allie Toth (left), Chris Melewski (center) and Marisa Melewski were excited to participate in ‘Passport to Imagination’ at Michael’s Arts and Crafts store in Boardman July 12.


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Allie Toth (left) and Marisa Melewski worked diligently during the Michael’s Arts and Crafts store ‘Passport to Imagination’ event July 12.


Neighbors | Eartha TerrellMichael’s Arts and Craft store Event Instructor, Paula Lavin (left), showed Allie Toth how to make Russian-inspired pom pom bears during the facility’s ‘Passport to Imagination’ program July 12.


Michael’s Fabric store in Boardman created a world of creativity for children during its program titled ‘Passport to Imagination’ July 12. The program, which is every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, is open to all children.

“They can pop in at any time they’d like. When they come in we have projects for them, but we let them use their imaginations,” said event instructor Paula Lavin.

Children learned about different cultures as they explored countries of the world through arts and crafts. Each craft represented places around the globe. Participants’ faces lit up as they glued, and pasted eyes onto their pom pom bears from Russia. Parents were also enthusiastic about their children having an outlet to express themselves. Marisa Melewski was thrilled to spend the day working on her favorite hobby.

“She likes crafts. She likes making bracelets and painting. I think it’s a good thing for them to explore their imaginations,” said Marisa’s mother, Melewski.

Fun was the focus of the event and there were no restrictionson what or how they could create their craft.

“Crafting is about having fun. Nothing comes out the same way twice,” Lavin said.

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