Jackson matriarch, grandkids reunite

Associated Press


Katherine Jackson is apparently back home, reuniting with Michael Jackson’s children after a judge temporarily took away her guardianship because of her dayslong absence from them.

Paris Jackson tweeted early Thursday morning: “grandma’s here! # thankyougod.” Katherine Jackson’s son, Marlon, also posted a note on Twitter saying his mother had returned, adding she looked and sounded great.

On Wednesday, a judge removed Katherine Jackson as guardian temporarily and named her grandson, Tito Joe “TJ” Jackson, as temporary caretaker of the late legend’s three minor children amid a bitter family dispute over Michael Jackson’s estate.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff issued the ruling because Katherine Jackson was in Arizona and hadn’t spoken with the children in several days. TJ Jackson now has the ability to control the hilltop home where the children live and to take on other supervision duties.

Katherine Jackson told ABC News that the court ruling was “based on a bunch of lies.”

“I am devastated that while I’ve been away, that my children, my grandchildren, have been taken away from me, and I’m coming home to see about that, also,” she said reading from a prepared statement.

She denied the suggestion made in court and in court filings to support TJ Jackson’s appointment that she was being held against her will.

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