Golf outing supports charity

By Danny restivo


Katy Borghetti likes to wear pink when she plays golf.

“It helps my golf swing,” she said.

Borghetti and 51 other women sported the color during a charity golf tournament at Pine Lakes Golf Club on Thursday. The woman played in support of the Beatitude House, a charity that supports women and children in poverty. According to the house’s website, “the organization serves all women and children bound in the cycle of poverty through, housing, education and family support.”

“Without support like this, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do,” said Beatitude House development director Casey Bertolette.

The Girard-Hubbard-Youngstown Ladies golf league presented a check to Bertolette and the Beatitude house for $740 after the outing. The money came from a $20 entry fee each participant paid. Bertolette said the money will help support Beatitude’s locations and services in Ashtabula, Warren and Youngstown. She said private donations such as the GHY ladies golf league go a long way in allowing the organization to support people.

“We really appreciate groups like this,” said Bertolette.

Borghetti, chairman of the league, said the GHY voted on which cause the league would support this year.

“We decided to go with the local charity because we liked what they represented,” said Borghetti.

The GHY ladies golf league has played and supported woman’s causes for 41 years, said Borgehetti. She said the league has supported breast- cancer charities for many years, so the women always wore pink during their tournaments. Although they changed their charity, the women kept the tradition of pink alive Thursday. Even though the color didn’t improve her score that day, Borghetti knows her fellow women still enjoy what it represents.

“We always like to wear pink, it makes us happy,” she said.

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